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Format Text Objects
Texts can be found as various elements on a process map:
- In the upper toolbar, you will find text elements with and without borders.
- There may be special text elements in the symbol notation libraries (e.g. annotation symbol). Also, notation symbols consist of both a graphical aspect and text labels.
- Shapes have a central label and numerous other labels that can be added optionally.
To add text elements from the top toolbar, firstly select them, then click and drag them into the canvas to set the size of the field. The cursor indicates this with a cross. Elements from the symbol notation can easily be added by drag & drop from the library on the right-hand side.
Add the first label of a new element by double-clicking on the element. Others can be added via the context menu with the command “Add Label”.
To change the text of an element, you can simply double-click on it. The text is highlighted completely and you can simply start typing.

Inline Text Menu
When text is highlighted, an inline text menu is displayed, allowing you to specify the font, size, color, alignment and numbering.

Toolbar Options
The upper toolbar contains further settings for text formatting:
- The Font Format drop-down menu can be used to change position, color, font size and font.
- The Label Format drop-down menu can be used to change the alignment of the text element.
The Word Wrap option limits the text to the side size of the shape. A line break is made if the text overflows. If this option is deactivated, the text is continued horizontally beyond the boundaries of the shape.
The Limit Height option fixes the height of the text shape. If the text is larger than the shape and the option Limit Height is activated, then the text is cut off. This can be useful if you want to ensure that your text elements remain in place within the processes, even if they are filled individually (e.g. dynamically via metadata).
The Reset option can be used to remove the inline formatting. This is especially useful if you encounter incorrect rendering or text highlighting does not work properly because inline formatting has overridden it.
URL Support
Process Maps also supports the direct call of URLs from text elements. These URLs can be simply entered in the text or copied from other sources (web browsers, office documents) and are then available as hyperlinks from the map preview. Direct URLs are supported, no markup languages or text hyperlinks. The links are marked in blue.