Table of Contents

Smart Nodes for M-Files Views

Smart Nodes for M-Files Views allow to evaluate the content of M-Files views and display them within a process map. Since you can have multiple Smart Nodes in a map, you can browse your entire view structure in a clear way and see it all at one glance. In particular new employees will benefit from this newly gained transparency.

Where to find Smart Nodes for M-Files Views

  • Smart Nodes for M-Files Views can be found in the Smart Node library in the Compound tab of the Views category.
  • When this tab is expanded, you will find four different Smart Nodes for M-Files Views at the top of it.
  • If you want to learn more about the general use of the Smart Node Library, click here.

Common Features

Smart Nodes for M-Files views share the following capabilities:

Variations & Functions

There are four different variants of Smart Nodes for M-Files Views. Please be aware that this section only covers the default functionalities of the specific Smart Node. The adjustments that can be made via the Property menu are covered further down below.


The simplest representation of a view, that provides you with its basic attributes. It provides the user with:

  1. Icon (with the reset function)
  2. The name of the connected view (when clicked - launches the view in the shell listing)
  3. Number of items it contains (if you see round numbers like 250 or 500 this indicates that you probably have more records, but the limits for the query apply)

To not overload your server, by default the number of contained objects is limited to 250. However, the maximum number can be changed in the properties. The exact procedure will be explained in more detail later in this article.

This display method is particularly useful if as many views as possible should be applied to the Process Map. Thanks to its compact appearance, it is very useful as part of a complete overview of all views of your vault.

Vault-View with Content

This Smart Node is the logical extension of the previous one. In addition to the capabilities of the Vault-View Smart Node, the Vault-View with Content Smart Node can also:

1. Specify the path of the connected view.

2. Extend the view path.

3. Extend or shrink the whole Smart Node.

4. List the individual objects, sort them by their object type and identify them by predefined icons. If you hover your mouse over an icon, a list of all the objects contained in the category will open.

This list offers you three different interaction possibilities:

  • trigger a search that results in the display of all related elements
  • open the meta data card of a specific element
  • trigger a search that only results in the display of one specific item

When you select a document, you also have the option of editing and viewing.

If a category contains more than ten M-Files objects, a search bar is displayed by default in the tooltip, which allows the user to search specifically for contained objects.

5. Trigger a search that returns the items in the view when clicking this icon in the preview tab.

Vault-View with Filter and Content

This Smart Node has the additional function to filter the displayed objects of a view. For this, you can choose the properties and the values which are to be used for filtering. Do not be confused by the fact that only the properties are displayed by default. When one of the properties is selected, the corresponding values will appear. And please note that the properties and filter levels can be freely chosen. But the default comes up with properties that work on any vault structure.

  1. Use the Property Column, to select the desired properties according to which the objects in the content area are to be filtered. By default you have the choice between the properties Class, Class group, Workflow and Workflow state which are even dependent on each other as a hierarchy.
  2. The Value Column provides corresponding values to the selected property. It's important to note that the Value Column appears only when a Property is selected. So, don't worry if it doesn't show up initially when you first use the Smart Node. Clicking on a value will filter the displayed objects in the content area accordingly. Additionally, you have the option to predefine and limit the entries shown here for better management.

Vault-View with Level-Walker

Using this Smart Node is especially useful if you expect users to jump through different levels of the linked view. The Level Walker makes this a breeze. In addition, this Smart Node also supports the filtering functionalities. By default filters for this Smart Node have been configured to show as drop-downs. But you can activate the tiled filters, if you like.

You may have already observed that you can choose different display formats for both the property and value columns of the filter. In this example, the Workflow property is shown as Tiled, while the corresponding values are displayed as a dropdown (Select). Instructions on how to configure this are provided later in this article.

  1. The sections on the left side are called Property Columns. They serve as filters for the M-Files objects displayed in the lower pane. When a column is expanded, a list of properties within your vault will open. Simply select the ones you require. Instructions on how to do this will be provided later.
  2. On the right side are the Value Columns. These can only be used if an entry from the Property Column has been selected previously. Depending on the selected property, different values are displayed.
  3. The Level-Walker is a comfortable way of switching freely between the different view levels.
  4. When you click on this icon, the Smart Node jumps back one level.
  5. This button brings you back to the first view level of your Smart Node.

Customizing Smart Nodes for M-Files Views

Using the properties menu you have a wide range of possibilities to customize the Smart Nodes according to your needs.

These articles start with the Smart Node with the fewest setting options and end with the one with the most. Please note that the individual sections are build on each other. This means, for example, that the Smart Node Vault-View with Content offers not only the properties that are in its section but also all the preceding ones.

General Properties

This section contains properties that are customizable for all Smart Nodes for M-Files Views.

1. Result Limits - Define the maximum number of objects to be displayed in the selected Smart Node. In order not to overload your Vault, a limit of 250 is set by default.

  1. Value Container - This container holds the values that are currently available for the user to choose from. If a value is clicked, it will be set as default. This is indicated by the filled star in front of a value. Please note, to display the changes, you have to close the dialog by clicking OK.
  2. Delete Value - If you want to delete a value from the selection list, you have to click the cross next to it.
  3. Move Value - Move a selected value either one position up or down in the list. Please note that the position in the list is also applied to the name filter on the Smart Node.
  4. Add Value - To add a value, please enter the desired amount in the field to the right of the icons. To add the value to the list, + must be clicked.

2. Icon

  • Active - Deactivate the display of an icon.
  • Allow Reset - By default, when you click the icon, the Smart Node is reset to its original state. If this is not desired, you can disable this behavior here.
  • Icon - Select from a list of icons the one that matches your application field.
  • Icon Font - If you want to change the size or color of the icon, this menu item can help you. Similar to labels, you can personalize the appearance of the icon here.

3. Path - This section is all about customizing the view path of the Smart Node.

  • Active - If you do not want the name of the path to be visible, you can disable it here.
  • Expanding Allowed - If it is undesirable that the user can move freely through the individual levels of a view, this function can be disabled here. This way you can define a fixed view that is inseparable from the Smart Node.
  • Jump Allowed - Here you can specify whether the view should be broad up when you click on its name.
  • Jump Target - If the previous item is enabled, you can specify here whether the view should be opened in a new window or in the same one.
  • Levels Above - Set whether and how many previous levels of the selected view should be shown.
  • Levels Below - Similar to Levels Above, except that here the underlying levels are addressed.

NOTE: If you set both previous menu items to -1 , the user will have access to any number of levels below and above the deployed view.

  • Path Fill - This menu item can be used to specify a color tone with which the view path is to be highlighted. By default, the field None is selected. To make more colorings selectable, this field must be clicked first.
  • Path Font - Like other text blocks, it is also possible to customize the font and color of the view path. If you need more information on how to customize the font of texts, you can find more information here.


Metadata - The term Metadata refers to the section of the Smart Node which shows the number of objects included in the linked M-Files views. The following adjustments can be made via the Properties menu:

  • Active - In case the number of M-Files objects is irrelevant to your users, you can disable it here.
  • Alignment - This menu item gives you the possibility to select the alignment of the 'Item Count:…': Left-aligned, centered, or right-aligned can be selected.
  • Show Titles - Here you can define whether the text 'Item Count' is to be displayed or only the number of objects is to be listed.
  • Title Font - Of course, the display of this text can also be personalized. The process is the same as already described above.
  • Value Font - Same functionality, but for the number of contained objects.

Vault-View with Content

1. Level Selector - Here you can customize the appearance of the buttons to expand or shrink the Smart Node.

  • Active - De-/Activate the functionality
  • Disabled Color - A button is disabled when the Smart Node can not be expanded/shrank in its direction. The color it should assume in this state can be set here.
  • Enabled Color - Conversely, if a Smart Node can be expanded/shrank in the direction of the button, it also takes on a specific color. This color can be determined here.

2. Content - Here you can define if and how the objects of the linked view is displayed in the Smart Node and how the user should be able to interact with it.

Note: Handle this function with extreme care. It could easily happen that you will face several thousand objects in the Smart Node. This can have an enormous influence on the performance of the map. So be aware of how many elements will be represented before this function is activated.

Vault-View with Filter and Content


  1. List Elements - Specify from which properties the users can select later. All properties with a blue highlight are accessible via the Smart Node. This option is especially useful if you have previously selected Tiled as the display format.
  2. Value - With a click on the entry Value, you can restrict the values which are associated with the selected properties. The dialog is shown in the following picture.
  1. Options - Select Allow Empty if the entry #empty# should appear in the Value List. If a user selects #empty# as a value to filter by, only M-Files objects that contain the previously selected property, but do not have a value set for it, will be considered. Select Allow Deleted to display values which have been deleted at some point in your system. You can identify them by the tag (deleted) displayed behind their name. By default, this option is disabled
  2. Property Selection - If you have specified multiple properties for a filter, you can select here for which you want to limit the values.
  3. Value List - In this list you will find the corresponding values for the selected property.

Apart from that, there are some peculiarities when you have selected a temporal property. This can be, for example, the creation date, last edited or due dates of certain projects. More generally speaking, this concerns every property of the type TS (Timestamp) and D (Date)

  1. Use Today as Opposite Limit - If this option is enabled, the filter selection will be limited to dates in the future (Days From Today) only. This should be applied if you are looking for e.g. future due dates of projects or expiration dates of legal documents.
  2. Time Interval - Determine in which time intervals you want to filter. Basically, you should know that today's date is always taken as the starting point. Furthermore, we distinguish between the possibilities to filter To, or From today's date. To means that an interval is formed into the past. This should be used to search for e.g. publication dates of documents. From, on the other hand, builds an interval into the future. This is useful e.g. if you have selected due dates of projects as property. Besides days, you can also filter by months or years.
  3. Time Period - Depending on the interval you have previously selected, you can see here the exact period of time that users can filter by. Like conventional values, these can also be limited.
  1. Display Options - Specify the display format of the property column. To be able to edit this entry, you must first deselect Auto.
  2. Value - Click on the entry Value to switch to the customization options for the value column.
  • Width - If you've chosen Tiled as the display format for your Value Column, you can utilize this option to specify how the individual values should be arranged. If “Auto” is selected, as many values are displayed side by side as the width of the smart node permits. However, if “Textwidth” is chosen, the entries are displayed one below the other.
  • Display Options - Specify the display format of the value column. To be able to edit this entry, you must first deselect Auto.

Vault-View with Level-Walker

View Level

  • Active - De-/Activate the functionality
  • Visible Rows - Here you can define how many rows the levels of the Level Walker should display. The height of the Smart Node can also be influenced in this way. By default, a Smart Node will display 10 rows. The height of the Smart Node can also be influenced in this way.
  • Show Results - This option provides the functionality such that when you open the process map in your M-Files Vault and navigate through the views in your Smart Node, the selected views automatically open on the left-hand side.
  • Title Font - This allows you to change the individual level names in font, font style, and color.
  • Entry Font - Let you customize the designation of the items within the Level-Walker.

Inject View Paths into Smart Nodes for M-Files Views

It is also possible to inject views via command into a Smart Node for M-Files Views. To do this, another element on the map must be provided with the appropriate command. If this is triggered, the Smart Node is filled with the specified view. This is especially useful if you want to cover a large number of different views on your map and work as performance efficiently as possible. How to create this command can be read here.