Within the Process Maps Designer you can choose between the options Save and Save and Configure to save your process map. Select the Save and Configure entry to open a menu containing more options.
Please note that some tabs of the Save and Configure dialog can only be used by certain user groups. In the M-Files Admin configuration, you can set which user groups have access to which tabs. You can read the exact procedure here. The user groups mentioned here in this article reflect the default permissions construct.
The Save and Configure dialog provides you with a variety of options to customize the interaction capabilities of your process map. Let's first look at the tabs that can be accessed by all M-Files users.
1. UI Settings
2. Map Settings
With the help of the tab PDF generation, different representations of the map can be automatically generated when the map is saved:
Full control of vault
or Manage common views and notification rules
) allows to see the map in the Process Map Preview tab if certain views are opened or selected in the M-Files Client. You can select a view (1), specify the name (2) of the tab in M-Files and define some display options (3):
Full control of vault
or the Manage workflows
) tab allows you to view the map in the Process Map Preview tab when objects are selected that correspond to the selected workflow and status. Think of this as work step related guides. (Note: Do not confuse this functionality with workflow maps. These are opened directly with the corresponding workflow and do not need to be assigned.)
If you have appropriate (M-Files admin) rights for the vault, you can use additional configuration entries to manage the M-Files user interface:
Full control of vault
or Manage common views and notification rules
) allows to see the map in the Process Map Preview tab if certain views are opened or selected in the M-Files Client. You can select a view (1), specify the name (2) of the tab in M-Files and define some display options (3):
When you use Save and Configure
in a Workflow Map, also the Workflow tab appears. Here you can: