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M-Files Process Maps

Release Notes

  • #1985 – Bugfix. – Nullpointer error when creating tooltips for workflow state symbols
  • #1981 – Bugfix. – Unable to add elements to the library under specific circumstances
  • #1980 – Bugfix. – Drop content from template storage to a lane adds the content in wrong position.
  • #1978 – Bugfix. – Background color for workflow state symbols could not be saved.
  • #1977 – Bugfix. – Map went into endless loading when jump to a map was initiated where the target map was rights-limited for the current user.
  • #1976 – Enhancement. – Change the cursor to “hand” icon when hovering over a clickeable item.
  • #1962 #1968 #1970 #1971 #1972 – Enhancements and optimizations for Pools and Lanes
  • #1955 #1922 – Bugfix. – Replicated classes lose properties, new install of process maps does not create objects when they are available via alias. Also replicated objects have different properties.
  • #1084 – Bugfix. and Enhancment – WF Maps were not interactive in some multi-language environment. Using Status-ID/Alias now.
  • #1964 – Bugfix. – Adding custom tooltips caused an error message to occur.
  • #1963 – Bugfix. – Get-Bounding-Box Error when importing a workflow.
  • #1961 – Bugfix. – hard formatting of text labels showed wrong typeface/font size under some cirmumstances.
  • #1956 – Enhancement – Connectors between workflow states were drawn over the grey command icons so that they could not be invoked. The drawing order was optimized.
  • #1954 – Enhancement – The ‘visible’ flag can now be controlled by Booleans in the metadata of the associated object. This allows for creative visualization based on flags of an M-Files object.
  • #1953 – Bugfix. – Creating custom tooltips for workflow nodes caused an error message.
  • #1945 – Bugfix. – Placeholder evaluation e.g. for labels or tooltips did not properly decide between ‘null’ and ‘undefined’.
  • #1961 – Bugfix. – When formatting text labels with inline formatting wrong font sizes or font types have been displayed.
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