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Control Behavioral Aspects (Container, Moveable, Deletable)

The shape behavior can be set via the context menu:

  1. Containers take up other elements so that they remain in their position. You can add elements to a container by dragging and dropping them onto the container. When the elements are stored in the container, this is symbolized by a blue overlay.
  2. You can choose if a shape is marked as moveable. If this option is deactivated, the shape is fixed on the canvas. This can be very useful if you want to fill groups of objects and want to make sure that you don't move them accidentally.
  3. Especially with background elements, it can be very useful to disable the Deletable option so that you do not accidentally delete them when moving or deleting elements.
  4. Accept Drops configures a shape or symbol to allow linking it with with an object or document and therefore automatic adding a label.

Behavioral Aspects are available only for standard shapes to convert them into containers or make grouping more easily. Elements of the modelling notations (such as Swim Lanes) have the Container property by default and therefore do not provide the Behaviour context menu.

Sometimes it happens that you want to move or delete elements on the canvas and this does not work. Keep in mind that you or a colleague may have changed these form behaviors.

If you make an underlying rectangle to a container, make sure that you also move elements that are above this rectangle into the container (by drag & drop) so that they remain in their position and become a part of the group. This is indicated by a blue line.

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